Masterplan in Ramot​

More Projects

Support Areas for Aquaculture

 Offshore Aquaculture near Ashkelon​

Logistical center at Re'em junction​

We are designing a masterplan which is intended to make better, denser use of public land. The plan is promoted by the Jerusalem Municipality. The purpose of the plan is to redesign 5 plots of public land in the Ramot neighborhood in Jerusalem, so that they could incorporate diverse usage within one structure. The design takes into account separate entrances and circulation system for each function.

The proposed functions are: kindergartens, day care centers, schools, synagogues, buildings for community use.

The growing population in Israel and the finite land resources are a challenge that we address in all areas of our design work.

GlobalEx         טל: 03-6760602

ת.ד. 7639, רמת גן מיקוד 52176



שדה חובה

תודה רבה!

הטופס נשלח בהצלחה.


שדה חובה

שדה חובה

שדה חובה



 Ben Yehuda st. 7 Jerusalem

Phone :02-6256211

Fax: 02-6257211


Secretary - Shirin:

Alona Lifshitz:               

Vera Spivak:                     

Yair Ben Gad:                  

Naama Slosman:          

Avishai Ben-Abba:

Accessibility statement

After conducting an investigation, we believe that we are exempt from site accessibility because we do not provide a public service. Therefore, we are not obliged to perform any kind of accessibility.

If you disagree with our interpretation, please contact us by email with the reasons why and we will look into the issue.

 Alona Lifshitz אלונה ליפשיץ